
Donate your time or funds to help support local rape crisis centers, domestic violence shelters and violence prevention programs. Unsure of what organizations to support?
Visit https://www.nsvrc.org/organizations and look for organizations near you!

Write a Testimonial

If you would like to share your story, please click here. We encourage you to further spread the word and talk to your community about how women of color are affected by sexual violence historically and today, using #SheSpokeUp on social media.

Host Your Own Screening

Host your own screening of The Rape of Recy Taylor. Now that you’ve been an audience member at a screening, think about other groups or organizations you are a part of that might benefit from seeing this film. Click here to complete the Host a Screening form.

Share The Knowledge

Educate yourself and others on how to safely step in and speak up when you’re witnessing behavior that may put someone in danger. Challenge yourself and others to learn more about the structural racism that disproportionately affects Black women survivors of sexual assault.

Engage Local Leaders

Engage local leaders on this issue. Work with clergy, government officials, community organizers and teachers to start a community-wide conversation about sexual violence against women and the disproportionate discrimination experienced by Black women

Host An Event

Host a resource fair and fundraiser at your school, church, or community center where others can learn about, volunteer with and donate funds to non-profit programs that help survivors of sexual violence.

Create Networks of Support

Speak to your house of worship, school and/or community center about starting a sexual violence ministry, support group or teen support group. For this endeavor, make sure to bring in local rape crisis centers as partners from the onset of your planning.

Support Women of Color

Work with, listen to, support and follow the leadership of women of color. Ensure that Black women and their stories are at the center of any action items you take by providing a dedicated platform to uplift their work.

Speak Up

If in a position of leadership or management, think about the ways in which you can share the information you learned today with your team. We call on faith leaders, in particular, to write a sermon for your congregants and share that experience with us here.



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